Welcome to Dog Water Gaming! 

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Dog Water Gaming

Hi I’m sawman and welcome to my website.

Here you can check out all my latest Reviews, Guides and Gaming News all in one spot!

I cover of a variety of genres, but mainly focus on MMOs and RPGs with a sprinkle of Survival games.

Why a Website? 

As much as I love making YouTube videos, sometimes people like to read. Shocking, I know.

My aim for the website is to include some guides, some reviews and maybe some news from around the gaming sphere.

As always, YouTube is my main focus, think of this site as a side project, because who know’s what this site could turn into.

Who’s Managing the Site? 

That would be me, myself and I. This whole thing is a one man operation in case you cant tell…

I’am however open to the idea of including other content creators guides and reviews in the future. So if you are someone who want’s to lend a hand or maybe have their content featured on the site, please reach out to me. You can find my contact details on the about page!

Why the name ‘Dog Water Gaming?’ 

Unfortunately Plobb.com was taken, so I have to go with something that will make people think of me… so what better then dog water? You never know, I might make an energy drink in the future called Dog Water Energy…

In Summary

I doubt anyone will read this, but if you do, just know you are a gem and will have 100 years good luck! Hopefully as the YouTube channel grows, so will the site and the quality of content that is provided. Just remember, my early YouTube content was quite questionable and I assume the website will be the same, as it’s now on it’s 10th iteration…

Anyway…Thanks for stopping by!

Please like and subscribe and all that jazz…

Check out some of my other videos below! 

The Most Complex MMO Ever Made – Wurm Online

The Most Controversial MMO Ever Made – Entropia Universe