
Skyrim is by far one of the most modded games, in gaming history. However there is one Mod that I think shines above the rest, and that is of course, the multiplayer Mod, by the Skyrim Together team. 

For years people have dreamed of a  version of Skyrim that they can play and explore with friends and finally their request has been answered by the modding community. Lets be honest, the alternative is playing the Elder Scrolls Online, which doesn’t quite give the same experience.  

However, due to the years of hard work by the Skyrim Together guys, this is no longer a fantasy but a realistic possibility. Not only that, you can opt to play on a public server or create your own private server with custom rule sets.  

Below you will find two guides (complete with video instructions), one for setting up a Server for Skyrim Together and the other is for the basic install Skyrim Together Reborn. 

Enjoy and happy modding! 

Skyrim Together Install Guide

Ever wanted to play Skyrim with a friend? Now you can! Check out this full guide on how to setup the Skyrim Together Mod for connecting to public Servers here…

Skyrim Together Server Install Guide

Instructions on how to setup a Private Server for Skyrim Together, click here for full instructions.