The Shocking State of Kingdom Come Deliverance in 2023?

What even is Kingdom Come Deliverance? 

Released on the 13th of February 2018, Kingdom Come Deliverance is the first game to be developed and published by War Horse Studios. It’s a first person Open World RPG, where you play as a Blacksmiths son called Henry.

“Think Skyrim but no Dragons.”

This is by far one of the best games I played in 2023 and is one that will stay with me for quite some time. I’m actually disappointed in myself that it took me so long to play it!

You may have seen it on the steam sale page one or 3 millions times… but don’t let that discourage you. This is indeed a game worth buying despite the fact that its often reduced in price. 

What is it about? 

If you enjoy a good story, medieval combat and having the freedom to be a peasant or just a complete horrible human being, then I highly recommend you pick up a copy of this title. The open world allows you to explore at your own pace and gives you the opportunity to play the way you like. Personally, I think this game came to live when playing on the harder settings and the removal of the hud and lack of fast travel really made it a more immersive experience. 


There are rumors that Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is in development, but there has been no official communication. However the team are very active on twitter and seemingly busy working on some sort of project… 



Yes they are releasing Kingdom come Deliverance 2, find out more details here: KCD2


But anyway, if you want to know more about Kingdom Come Deliverance and if its worth playing, may I suggest you watch my video essay below. 

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